Saturday 22 June 2013

Now Report on Israel and Lithuania - David Hathaway

17 June 2013 Dear Ministry Partner
This is my latest report, as I only returned from Israel a few days ago.
By a miracle in 2011, 2012, 2013, for the first time since the days of the early church, the Good News about the Jewish Messiah, who came for Jew and Gentile alike, is being preached to thousands upon thousands of Jews in the land of Israel. June this year was our sixth great event! And once again, our meetings in Israel were held at a time of crisis for the nation. The news broke, on the last day of our festival, that the UN peacekeeping forces had abandoned their border posts on the Golan Heights
where they had been since the Yom Kippur War in 1973, thus potentially exposing Galilee (and Israel) to hostile attack from Syria for the first time in 40 years.
Buses from all over Israel, from Qatsrin in the Golan Heights to Eilat in the south, had brought Russian-speaking Holocaust Survivors and WWII Veterans to the largest arena in Tel Aviv to hear the news of who Messiah is, that Yeshua was and still is God's Son and is 'come down to deliver!'
That we have continued to hold these events is a miracle in many ways – despite many attempts, the Orthodox cannot stop us – there is a long waiting list of those who want to come – we have gone ahead despite a major financial crisis – there is a real urgency because Israel is on the point of war.
What the taxi driver said on the way back to the airport was an amazing revelation. He knew who we were, and was a religious Jew wearing a kippah, yet from the moment we got in the car he began the conversation so animatedly that he kept taking the wrong road! He kept saying, 'Why did we kill Yeshua? He was a good man, He did nothing wrong, He killed no one but healed all who came. Was He Messiah, if so why did we not recognise Him, were we blind? We thought many people in our history were Messiah, but they are not alive today. I search our scriptures for Him; can you show me where to

find Him? All our nation is looking for Messiah at this moment, no one else can save us, can you show me the way?'


This is why it is so important that we continue – suddenly Israel is opening. But not in the conventional way, these people are not simply going to attend 'church' – it will take time for traditional religious Jews like him finally to accept the truth – but God, through the Holy Spirit, is opening their hearts and minds to search for Him. The Bible is so clear, Yeshua said, 'if you seek for Me you will find Me.'
My first meeting in June was with the Arab pastors who have been in our meetings and have seen for themselves the truth of what is happening. As a result, they want me to begin working in the same way and we are seeking to find the right way to work with Israeli Arabs who are basically secular, Moslem or Catholic, with Evangelicals being a small minority.
I understand that even the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, sees what is happening in Israel as fulfilment of the Biblical statement that 'the Gospel will be preached to the Gentiles until the ending of the times of the Gentiles, then all Israel shall be saved.'
 The miracle is that, right now, God is opening doors that have been closed for centuries to reach Israel and the Catholic world. But we need a massive increase in funding even to accept all the invitations to evangelise. Those who repeatedly say that the day of large-scale evangelism is over are wrong — they must be blind to what God is doing! Poland is opening up so quickly that they estimate that by 2014 I shall be speaking to 500,000 in Poland alone, and by 2015 ministering to over 1 million Catholics across Europe.
We do not evangelise in Europe now unless the invitation comes either directly from the government  itself or all the churches and denominations in the whole nation. This is not church-based or city-wide, but nationwide on a scale never ever seen before in Europe! If we can raise the finance we will return to Israel this year — but also the Government of Lithuania are so moved by what God did in their whole nation in 2010 and 2011, that they have offered us the 15,000-seat Siemens Arena free of charge if we will come 25-26 December this year, and the combined churches in the whole country will pay 50% of the costs! This will then be part of the Christmas celebration for the whole nation!
How can we refuse to go through these doors that God is opening in these last days to reach the Gentile Nations in Europe? But this is so far beyond our financial capabilities — we need a massive increase in funding — this year an extra E2 million — and this will increase by at least a further El million each year!! God has given me amazing health and strength — I can do more than most people half my age! The Power of the Holy Spirit in me increases with the years, literally exponentially! My only limit is the finance — and that will be God's next major breakthrough in my life! Thank you for your faithful support in prayer and giving — without you we could not have achieved so much!
We are so grateful for your kindness and generosity. To those who give anonymously: thank you; many also donate via Standing Order: we appreciate this regular support. Some have supported the ministry from the earliest days, and others more recently, but all are a vital part of this ministry. Jesus said the measure we use is the.measure that is given back to us. — Because of your kindness, God will open the windows of heaven and pour out a. blessing you cannot contain.
Many of you reading this carry heavy burdens: Jesus says to you, 'Come to Me and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28). Jesus is the unseen listener to every conversation. He sees every hurt and pain. He is the burden-bearer, He alone can give you rest. Receive His invitation to come. Leave your burdens with Him, never to carry them again. Whatever your concern today, we have a wonderful group of people who set aside time to pray individually for those who ask for specific prayer. If you would like this support please contact us.


The ministry of David Hathaway
41 Healds Rd
WF13 4HU
+44 (0)1924 453693
reg. charity 1126438 

 Chris adds: If I believed mass evangelism was finished I'd never report on David Hathaway or Rheinhard Bonnke. But I don't believe its best. Even while Jesus was training up His followers He got them to practice doing it themselves. Jesus worked at three distinct  levels with people simultaneously. He addressed multitudes. He spent more time with a closer 120, and gave most time to the 12. However Acts 2 is a multitude but all 12 stand with Peter when he gives the first address. The man for the hour capability that the Spirit has invested in David Hathaway is undeniable, but the problem with these men is their belief that there are no others, when the world is brimful of them...
Morris Cerullo and Benny Hinn are a bit the same.
What the Spirit has been raising in the last few decades doesn't even show up on their radar, and when we talk to them, for example Benny Hinn, they just back off thinking we are New Age. The stupid thing is we actually listened to their sermons and DID withdraw for decades to wait on God, and He has renewed our strength and He has given us a message...but none of these men were expecting that side of it!!!

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